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Women's World

             Woman vs Man

As everybody knows we have "women's rights", right? But what does it mean?

In effect women have the same rights as men, but is it sure? Women can vote, educate, work in each employment eg. as a operator of a crane, a miner or as a blue-collar. So woman have the same prawa like men but... we did not lose our advantages!

     Man sometime works from Monday to Sunday, so all week incessantly. He returns tired every day, but he has to wait till some lady will come across door, he havs to carry shopping, becaus woman could not do it, he has to let her into bath, (though she do not need this, because was sitting at home all the time, when he was at work)

     On the other hand did men take over women's duties? Do they cook dinners, wash sox or iron shirts? Do they perform typically women′s duties? Usually they finish work after 8h... what about women? In spite that they work own their own, they have another regular post at home, which is unpaid and ungrateful. So, why do we have to be devoid of these moments when man has an opportunity to help us?

Why woman is better than man?

Why man is better than woman?

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 What you can't tell to women?                                             Advantages and disadvantages woman
 Woman's definition[...]?                                                         Content of handbag
 Citations about women!                                                         Woman's brain!

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